Sunday 15 November 2009

You're a What?

If I had a pound for every time someone asked me what a business coach is... well, there's a beach in Bali that has my name on it.

I've experimented with several different ways of explaining what I do. And I'm not alone in Coach World. Trying to define the term life or business coach takes up a hefty chunk of Coach Training 101.

The one I'm currently going with (and it does change) is: well, you know how a personal trainer helps get your body in shape? A business coach is a personal trainer for your business, getting your business into the shape you want it to be, trimming the fat, building some muscle, strengthening the backbone.

Defining your product or your services to your customer can be tricky if what you do is something completely new and, as a result, foreign.

So I liked this article and video tweeted by @GuyKawasaki on a technique called Anchor and Twist
Hope you find it useful!


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